About Us

Energy for people


Management expertise, resulting from years of experience acquired in international trading and consulting, has empowered the establishment of a business activity which, through a series of corporate transformations, has become what is known today as We Energo AG. The Company also makes recourse to the collaboration of professional advisors and firms located in various countries around the world and specialized in different areas of activity.

International Trading and Consulting

We Energo AG, is actively engaged in financial and/or industrial fields wherever there is a need for intermediation in international trade, mainly in the field of commodities, products that are essential to the global economy and for which there is a stable demand. These include the energy, petrochemical and logistics industries.

The partners of We Energo AG, are international consultancy organizations, which enable the company to fulfil its objectives and meet customer expectations, by offering them competitive solutions aimed at improving performance and attaining their individual objectives through the consolidation of long-term relations.